I found this website.. it's really for "Meatless Monday" but it has a bunch of great recipes! http://www.meatlessmonday.com/
I have found a lot of yummy recipes that are under 300 calories on www.hungry-girl.com Check it out, thats where i found pizza-bellas and love them. I also have one of their cookbooks 300 recipes under 300 calories They even have some desserts that are low in calories too.
These are my favorite! 2 Large portabella mushrooms 2 sticks of low fat sting cheese 1/4 c. Crushed tomatoes 1/2 tsp. chopped garlic dash Italian seasoning 2 tbsp. sliced black olives (other toppings if wanted) Preheat the oven 400* Remove the stems (Can chop them up for extra toppings) Place the caps on a cookie sheet…
I want to lose weight, I hate the shape I am in. But for some reason I will start working out, eating right- try to make the life style change.. then one day I just stop and can't find any motivation at all. I will try to get myself to at least get up and go for a walk or something and I just can't make myself move. it's…