Can I get anyones opinion about diet pills? Are they good or bad? Do they really help while dieting? Has anyone used them and which ones work or dont work? Anyones info will be appreciated!!!
Ok now i would like to know if anyone can fill me in on some of the foods that keep you full longer without actuallt eating alot. Or if anyone knows of any good websites that are helpful with what types of food are good for what things.
Ok so when i used to work overnight I was Lifting, Reaching, Bending, Streching, Climbing and Walking for 8-10 hrs every night. Now Im stuck with a desk job. I have to get up every morning about 630am to get kids ready for school and myself for work. I work with my desk job from 830 to 6pm. Then gotta drive to pick up the…
:grumble: So I am sticking to my diet very well you know. I have not been having gresy foods or large meals. I have not eating anything to give me gas..i know more or less what will do WHY AM I FEELING AND LOOKING SO BLOATED? Will it go away?
Hi everyone, I have been trying for years to loose these 30 or so lbs. I have tried evey diet and weight loss pill on this planet. My problem is I with a full time job and four kids at home I dont have time to work out often. I have never counted calories before but I have heard it works. I am very determined and commited…