I thought a group might help us find each other.
I need just one (or maybe a few) accountability buddy. I do not have time to keep up with a lot of friends. I had done well since August with a good support system, but am in need of someone new to jump start it again before I slide too far. I need someone who: 1. Will expect to see my log post at the end of each day and…
We are trying Moroccan Mint Green Tea -- supposedly Dr. Oz (never heard of him) recommends it. I keep searching online for what he recommends it for and only see sites selling it to quote him, not credible sites. They say it is for stomach problems, but the only thing on his site is a recipe for green tea, mint, and…
I need friends who won't constantly tell me to eat more. When I used to eat 500 to 600 calories a day and work very hard to eat more and manage 900 calories, feeling good about my efforts, only to have people post to eat more, it is very discouraging and I am SO discouraged by the negativism. I'm tired of being knocked…
The more you hang out here, the more you'll see NSV. It means "Non Scale Victory." Oh, to learn the lingo!