Ok ladies (guys too) who takes a good preworkout supplement? I have found hit that is formulated for women and I have heard good about c4 (from a man). I need more input please thank you :)
Has anyone found a good pair of wireless headphones for running. I bought a pair that are great for everything but running they fall out after I start sweating. I'm not looking to spend more than $50. And I'm worried that the over the ear ones will be too hot....any advice would be awesome ty:)
Has anybody tried Laser lipo sessions and/or whole-body vibration for fat loss??? There is a groupon that seems like a good deal. It may be cheating but every little bit helps.
So I have heard that you should work out certain muscles together. I need a good routine. I do half hour of cardio every day and weight lift 4 days a week right now I do leg day, arm day and ab day but i would like to break it down into quads, lats, bicept, triceps etc to make sure I'm getting all the muscle groups. Please…
I'm doing 40% carbs 40% protein and 20% fat...any good recipes or meal ideas? I'm getting bored with the same few things every day.