Beakfest, Lunch, Dinner, and Snacks
So... the doc is demanding that I eat the same thing every day at the same time everyday... for the rest of my life. Hearing this is enough to make me rebel.... we're supposed to be friends with food... not despise it and get sick at jus the idea of eating. But if I want to control my sugar... this is all I seem to be left…
325cal extra filling dinner!
Wow! Check out me dinner for tonight... extra filling! * Grill Mates - Tomato, Garlic & Basil Marinade, 1 pkt - Made with vegetable oil and balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing... entire pkt baked with chicken, extra sauce thrown away and then nutrients divided by 4 * Tyson - 100% Natural Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts…
So sick of this weight loss thing....
How many of us love watching the number on the scale go down? I used to live for it... but then about 3months ago I gained a bunch of weight... not sure why I gained like 30lbs in 2/3mo. Now I hate the scale.... Wed. I weighed in at 216lbs.... I thought it was high but it had been a few weeks since I had checked... about…
Do you know Capt. D's Secret?
I am simply in love with Captain D's shrimp skewers.... does anyone know how to make them... or something like them? Something non-breaded, not hot/spicy, and/or drowned in fat? TY in advance! :happy:
Midday Binge
So I was recently diagnosed with narcolepsy.... and I realize that I have been eating to stay awake. Mornings are ok - lunch is a total binge (over 1,000cal today in one sitting) and dinner is fine too. Anyone have any ideas on a better way to control my tired appetite? I could skip lunch of course... but that's not the…