HeavenllySin Member


  • It is actually a vary common basic diet for a diabetic. This is a normal way for a brittle type one to live.
  • Wow! Check out me dinner for tonight... extra filling! * Grill Mates - Tomato, Garlic & Basil Marinade, 1 pkt - Made with vegetable oil and balsamic vinaigrette salad dressing... entire pkt baked with chicken, extra sauce thrown away and then nutrients divided by 4 * Tyson - 100% Natural Boneless Skinless Chicken Breasts…
  • How many of us love watching the number on the scale go down? I used to live for it... but then about 3months ago I gained a bunch of weight... not sure why I gained like 30lbs in 2/3mo. Now I hate the scale.... Wed. I weighed in at 216lbs.... I thought it was high but it had been a few weeks since I had checked... about…
  • I am simply in love with Captain D's shrimp skewers.... does anyone know how to make them... or something like them? Something non-breaded, not hot/spicy, and/or drowned in fat? TY in advance! :happy:
  • For various reasons they do change - I used to drink regular Pepsi like it was going out of style... but ending up in the hosp for 2 weeks when my diabetes was discovered cured me of that. Now regular soda is too sweet. I am attempting to give it up all together... but I am not a tea person and drinking water all day gets…
  • I think the biggest turn on with a guy is if he is a lil... feminine.... like he understands what it's like to be hurt and he wants to be gentle with me.
  • I hate to admit it... but I don like big, big guys all that much - their not as fun in bed... I'm kinda afraid of being squished, and big hips are such a turn off (on men and women). Guys... I find - LOVE a girl who is comfortable with herself... it is all about attitude. I was a 300lb stripper, and I made better money…
  • So I was recently diagnosed with narcolepsy.... and I realize that I have been eating to stay awake. Mornings are ok - lunch is a total binge (over 1,000cal today in one sitting) and dinner is fine too. Anyone have any ideas on a better way to control my tired appetite? I could skip lunch of course... but that's not the…
  • My trick? Pretend your a boy... I did for two years while I worked on my weight... because I wanted to feel good and because of health problems. It is definitely a lot easier to make urself happy when ppl aren't all over you. Yeah... you will need to get help... if you ever want to have a relationship. In the meantime…