Kinda embarrassing but I need to know... Im 22 5"2 233 lbs & work out 5 days a week for at least 1 hour,,, sometimes I go as far as 3hours mostly on the elliptical bc Im still nursing a sprained or strained ankle... I typically burn 600-650 calories in an hour and sometimes up to 1000+ when I go for up to 3 hours... Im…
So its almost 11am here and tonight around 5:30pm I will be showing a friend of mine from Guam around Oahu... I know, timing isn't that great but he was only here for a short time for a conference for school and this is my only time period to show him around before he leaves tomorrow... So far, he has already seen: Waikiki…
Im trying to find an app on my ATT LG (Im guessing its an Android) phone that will allow me to track miles... Heres the thing, Im nursing a sprain or a strain on my achilles tendon so I do a lot of Elliptical usage... I was just figuring to take the miles on the machine to input it somewhere so I can keep track of it as…
Aside from drinking water, is there any other methods of tricking your body into thinking its full? Please lemme know if you know any :)