Does anyone want to get together for a walk one day? We can do outside if the weather stays nice or inside at a mall if the weather gets cold.
What is everyone doing to lose weight? Right now, I'm taking advantage of our YMCA family membership (I'm on it - might as well use it). I do cardio and circuit training there. I'm really hoping to also start doing their aquafit. I'm faaa-a-aaaar to uncoordinated to do an exercise class. I also go for a walk daily -…
Any other LMs have memberships to the YMCA? I'm looking for a gym buddy for Bob Hayward....
Please feel free to invite them over to our little group. The more encouragement the better.
I have 36lbs to lose to reach my goal weight of 150lbs. It's attainable, I just have to work hard. I was smaller up until I was 25 and I loved it (back then) when I gained a little weight... so I want to get back to 150lbs. What is everyone else's goal?