Hard time wrapping my head around weight loss.
I'm 23 years old, 179 cm (5'11) and weigh 66 kg (145,5 lbs). My BMI is 20.6. I basically made a very casual decision to lose weight around 6-7 months ago, and started actually counting calories about two months ago. I've never been to a gym, I don't exercise at all part from taking my dog to walks and I've lost around 30…
Hit my low end weight goal, with tiny bit more muscle now.
My face turning ever so slightly less doughier. Rest of my body has changed the most, but unfortunately these unappealing passport photos are the only ones in existence of my fatter days. Now working out (puns) the courage to join a gym, hopefully I'll be at that point by Christmas. Then finally lay down my title as the…
45 lbs down, now with professionally made progression pics.
I haven't taken a bodyshot of myself in years...or ever, now that I think about it. But I took one yesterday to show off my terrible shirt, and was surprised how much I had actually lost. I'm at my goal weight (have been for a little while) and I've started to work out properly now, which I thought I'd never end up doing.…
I need help working out my...working outs.
I'm 5'11 and weigh 138 lbs, that's pretty much an okay weight to be according to everyone in the world. Problem is, I still look like a pudgy little boy and I'm thinking it's either because of my diet or the fact that I don't exercise at all. I walk my dog for an hour or two every day, but that's about it. I hate exercise,…
Mentalist looking for fresh blood.
...That sounded more aggressive than it was meant to. I've basically decided to begin my grand journey to run 5K (that's 5000 meters for you squares who don't understand this whizkid lingo) with the help of...uh, aptly named 5K Runner app. I have mental problems, I have a lot of fat and I don't have a clue what I'm doing.…
Hopefully just the beginning of my success story.
Oh, hi there. I basically just wanted to write about my situation currently, because it's been a step in the right direction for me, which...hasn't really happened before. I've been diagnosed severe anxiety, schizoid personality disorder, major depression and all that good stuff I've been dealing with for several years…
Irritating fat face.
I've lost about 30 lbs this year, going from 182 to 152 lbs. I'm 5'11 (ish), so my BMI is in the normal range. But I still have obnoxiously chubby cheeks and weird play-doh face, and am starting to wonder if I just drew the short straw on the looks department or should I keep at dieting. I've accepted that I'm not…
Supsup, rub butt...bub.
I apologize for that. I just came back to MFP few days ago, and figured I'd ask people to be my bestest friends ever for an extra bit of motivation. I'm literally the worst at eating well and exercising, but have managed to lose around 30 lbs since I got my dog. I want to lose another 10 lbs to see if I can look less like…