2 months in and down 31 pounds!
I have always struggled with my weight. I was an overweight child, teen, and adult. I finally have decided enough is enough and started my journey in January. I started going to the gym 5-7 times a week and tracking everything that I eat. I am doing cardio and strength training and making sure I am coming in under my…
Considering VS and concerns about being picky
I am seriously considering VS but I am so concerned about food. I am a seriously picky eater and I worry about what I am going to be able to eat. I see people post and have read about no potatoes but those are the only vegetables I eat. I'm just worried that I will go through all of this and not be able to do the change in…
Wow that fall from the wagon hurt!
I was fairly active here almost two years ago. I had managed to lose about 25 pounds and was doing well until I made the mistake of pushing myself to hard at a boot camp class and having a scary episode of heat stroke. I don't know why it scared me as much as it did but I pretty much quit after that. Now I am back and so…
Color Run Kansas City June 30
I just signed up for this with some friends. It looks like an AMAZING time! It is not timed and you can run, jog, walk, skip, hop, crawl or however you want to move down the course.
Socks...what do you wear?
I am walking my first 5k June 30th and yesterday my husband and I walked 3.25 miles. When we got home I had blisters on the bottom of my feet from where my socks rubbed. What socks do you wear that don't leave blisters?
Mini Goal Met
51 days ago I started my journey at 306 pounds. This morning the scale reads 281! That is 25 pounds GONE!!! I never thought I would reach this point because my track record is not good. However, now that I am here I can see myself blowing the rest of this weight away!!
NSV - Capris!
I went to get new capris since all of mine were too big. I am down two sizes!!
It is different this time
I have started at making my life better a few times. However, this is the first time the motivation has been for me. I have figured out that you can't change your lifestyle for anyone else. You have to do it for you. So I joined Curves, I am watching what I eat and I am taking my family on this journey. I feel great after…