What are your favorite shows to watch? Currently : Breaking Bad Shows I have finished and loved : Lost Dexter Prison Break Heroes The Office Desperate Housewives How I met your mother I watch wayyy to much Netflix!!
Going grocery shopping and just need to buy healthy food :) Need some ideas
I have to cancel my gym membership its getting to expensive :/ What are some must haves to workout at home? What do you recommend doing?
I want to start running! Where do you prefer to run? treadmill or outside? I can't decide I enjoy walking/jogging outside but I am embarrass since I am still quite big and I am no runner (but i will get there). I was thinking about starting in the treadmill and then gaining my confidence to be that chick that runs outside…
Hi everyone! I am 5'7 and I am currently 176 lbs and my goal weight is 150 lbs. I lost 5 pounds in January and it was hard to do because I started losing weight with a friends but they just completely gave up so I was left doing my this by myself. I need some motivation and what better place to find people with similar…
Just my luck I forgot my awesome healthy lunch at home. So is there any healthy fast food? Or maybe not healthy but at least with the less calories?