This is my playlist; what is yours? :D 1) La Matanga (Cumbia / Warm-Up) - Low Intensity 2) Tu Remedio (Cha Cha Cha) - Low Intensity 3) Sukumbiarabe (Indian / Cumbia) - Medium Intensity 4) Quebra As Cadeira (Axe) - Medium Intensity 5) Pause (Urban Latino Dance) - Medium Intensity 6) Zu Bailaito (Quebradita) - High Intensity…
I've lost 69 pounds since October 18th! Hehe, 69. That's a sexy weight loss number, baby, yeah. Giggity. Commence the bashing! *pulls up arms to protect her face* (source) Copied from site: Does anyone have any further light they could shed on this issue? People everywhere -- this site included -- vary in their belief and definition of this issue. It's confusing. :( Thanks!