Has anyone else experiencred itching as you lose weight? It's almost like my skin is readjusting!
I need some outsiders eyes and thoughts on my journals please. Have been working my not so little butt off consistently and am not seeing major results. Have firmed up a bit, but have been chasing the same 5 pounds since time began it feels like. I know that I am sonsistently over on sugar, but aside from my cereal, most…
Ok, I have a question re sugar. The only sugar I seem to be taking in is what is on my shredded wheat and in my yogurt and the occasional applesauce I supplement with. It puts me way over on my sugar every time! I am wondering if this would be enough to negate any weight loss. Am looking into lower sugar options as well.
Am totally battling a case of the muncies at the moment. I'm not hungry, just ate an uber filling lunch, it's purely an "I want" moment.
Hola all. I joined the site at the recommendation of my nearest and dearest friend about a week ago and have been thanking her daily ever since! :laugh: Winter is coming and while yes, insulation is good to have when you live in the frozen tundra, my goal is to welcome spring in with less of it.:tongue: