Do any of you use weight belts when you squat and deadlift? I'm thinking of getting one because I am starting to worry about my back now that I'm lifting heavier than I've ever lifted for these exercises. I could really feel the pressure in my back during my deadlifts yesterday even though I think my form was pretty good…
This morning I went to Macy's to buy a new suit for work. Everything else in my closet was hanging off me and it was starting to look silly. I've kind of put this off because I didn't want to go and find out I haven't lost as many inches and weight as I thought. But it had to be done. So I grab a pair of size 12s and try…
Hi everyone, I thought this may be helpful for some who is just starting NROLFW. I started Stage 1 back in January and calculated my calorie intake based on the formula in the NROLFW book. Non-workout days my calorie intake was about 1980 and work out days, something like 2205 (or something like that I don't have it right…
Hello everyone, I get to the gym about 4:45 AM most mornings and it's pretty quiet at that time of the day. Today, however, I get to the gym and it's crowded, not waiting for machines crowded but pretty close. Is this a getting-ready-for-the-summer thing? Anyone else noticing something similar? I've only just begun this…
Ok, I know this is probably kind of silly but anyone get nervous about asking some random person at the gym to spot you? For me, as I add more weight for barbell squats, I'm having a harder time getting the weight off the rack. In college, my old boyfriend would spot me and give me the little umph I needed to get it off…