Check out my Blog Update: I've lost 18 pounds in 4 months. Also "Like" me on Facebook: Follow me on Twitter: @NickiRae04 Instagram: NickiRae04 Day 1 vs Day 30 Super Excited to see what I am going to look like on day 90!
Who reads fitness blogs and what do you look for in a fitness blog... Would you read about someone that is on the road to healthy or do you want to read about someone who is already accomplished what they set to do? I am looking to start a blog but not sure if I should just yet! I have only been on my Healthy Living…
So my Daughter who is my first child is a little over 16 months. My husband and I are going to try for another probably around December of this year. I am super nervous about this just because I am not sure how I going to handle 2 kids! First I have been working out and trying to get back to my pre-pregnancy weight before…