Exercises Involving My Cat
I've been doing really well with my workouts, but recently my cat Mumm-Ra has started interferring with my exercise. He jumps on me as I workout, and if I lock Mummsy Wummsy out of the room he shrieks like a banshee. If I leave the house to exercise, he breaks things to show me how mad he is. This is really sabotaging my…
Cicada - Shrimp of the Land
So, 30 billion cicadas are emerging from their 17 year underground sleep. Often called "the shrimp of the land," they are high in protein, with a delicate, nutty flavor. What are your favorite ways to prepare them? There must be hundreds of possible recipes.
Great or Greatest
Great Super Bowl food, or greatest?
Question for the Klingons... NO HUMANS!
How does preparation affect the calories and nutritional value of Gagh? I prefer it live, but some friends like to stew the serpent worms.
Me Want It (But Me Wait)
With the wisdom of Buddha and the appetite of Pacman, Cookie Monster teaches us all the value of self control and the joy of cookies. http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=9PnbKL3wuH4
Krypton Anyone?
Anyone out there from Krypton? Or neighboring systems? Anyone? Holla!
Bacon Queen
The Iowa Blue Ribbon Bacon Festival Bacon Queen, crowned this past Thursday, will wear this dress tomorrow as she begins her reign. The bar has officially been raised in the bacon clothing wars.