Hi everyone, Just thought I would say hello. I am 32, from Australia and I have been on a diet for 7 days today. It is the first time I have dieted in my life, so it is fair to say I am struggling. My wife has dieted before, but obviously I haven't helped much so this time we are doing it together, which hopefully will…
Hi All, At the moment I make excuses for not taking my shirt off, for example I wear a shirt when swimming. But, if I end up with a six pack I plan on flaunting it at every opportunity. So, I am trying to come up with excuses to do so. Any suggestions are welcome (and yes this is tongue in cheek). 1. Turning up the heater…
Hi all, I am religiously counting calories, and sticking to it so far, but I would love to be able to treat myself every so often to one of the disgustingly unhealthy meals I miss so much. Do people think that treating oneself every so often is a good idea? I was thinking every three weeks. These are the sort of things I…