I scanned this and it came up as 100 calories for the entire bag popped. Is that right? They aren't even the mini-bags. This is the full, regular sized bag!
Time for my grocery trip and I need some fresh ideas. What low-cal, healthy items to you guys get religiously at the grocery store? What can't you live without?
I must have this psychological thing where I feel fuller and more satisified if I am eating something that doesn't just disapear right away. For example- Pistacios- They take a while to open each shell. Italian ice cups- takes a while to scrape out. Tootsie pops if I need a sweet because they take a while. Any other…
I honestly never used to be a chocoholic... but for some reason over the past several months, I've been craving sweets like crazy. What does everyone snack on that fulfills that sweet tooth? I need some ideas! Thanks! Kim
I'm looking to get a good network of friends on here so I hope some of you will add me. I'm 5'2" and started 5 years ago at 178 lbs. I lost about 50 lbs in WW. I got down to 119 at one point and have managed to keep it off for 5 years. But over the summer (too many social events!) I gained a few pounds back and now I'm at…