So, the shop I buy most of my clothes at only goes down to 30 inch waist - and they're too big. I have found to my: a) amusement b) embarrassment and c) delight (because they don't attract UK VAT and are therefore cheaper) that I can comfortably fit into a pair of 'age 12-13' jeans in their children's section, though. I'm…
Hi all, does anyone make any allowances when logging alcohol used in cooking? Presumably when you cook off red wine a lot of the calories are lost by way of the alcohol evaporating. Or am I being overly-optimistic? :) TIA
My friends think I'm a bit of a strange character because I very rarely make a fuss about my achievements. Something good happens and they don't find out for months, sometimes. You'll never see me posting about any work or academic successes, for example (though there are enough to keep me happy, don't read into it that…