my mum gave me some tinned fish. i usually eat tuna or mackeral in brine/spring water but these ones are in oil!! what do i do with them? and how do i get rid of the extra oil? one tin is whole fish (bones and all) the other is chunky sandwhich.
i have several cake mixes that list the KJ contents of what they are AFTER the addition of eggs and milk. how do i go about working out the KJ of just the mix itself? i wanted to mix it with water and make bars out of it instead of the milk,eggy cake mix.
So, who has them and what are they? im allergic to onion and garlic. they cause me to die. im intollerant to leeks, lettuce, brocolli, cauliflower, cabbage, brussel sprouts, chives, spring/green onions, chinese vegies, silverbeet and chilies. these cause me to be very, very sick.
hey all, just poking around to see if there are any aussies on here besides me?? where are you all?? haha.
i would like to know if anyone can link me (or cut and paste) to any low cal soup and noodle ideas?