Afternoon all, I was wondering if these are actually good for you or am I just being a consumers dream and wasting calories that I could eat somewhere else? I have attempted to Google this myself however, I lack the researcher ability I should have learnt in school to shitf through the lies. Thanks and good day to you all…
When you take your measurements do you relax your stomach or not? I find that I automatically have tendency to ‘’suck in my fat’’ at all times. I let go/relax my stomach muscles when I take measurements.. is this right? I feel like im lying if I hold it it. What does everyone else do??
I'm getting sick and I can feel it coming on at an alarming rate.. so naturally I’ve turned into an eating machine. I’m tempted to go and buy 30 croissant’s just to bury my face in them… mmmmmmm delicious I feel all food should be calorie free when I’m ill… its only fair.
he's just not that into you? when he kept asking me if i have any hot single mates lol Damn !
Hi all, I've lost all motivation I was going ok for the last 7 weeks (after me boyfriend dumped me) everyone telling me im looking great ect but the last week I just want to give up, but now I feel like crawling in a hole and eating till I blow up! I dont know how to find my lost motivation,any clues? Cheers, Aimee xoxox