So, today was my first day really eating clean and I had huge trouble eating enough calories. We just finished dinner and I'm full. I'm planning to have a chocolate protein shake later (while I watch the season premiere of Downton Abbey) just so I can hit 1300 calories. Would anyone mind looking at my diary for today and…
Okay, so when I am getting ready to start my hunger goes through the roof. I actually feel hungry more than normal. I don't feel that it's right for me to deprive myself as much as the rest of the time because my body is preparing for some hard work. (I have dysmenorrhea so I cramp like I'm having birthing contractions for…
I weighed in at 198lbs this morning!!!! I'm back under 200! This means I can get my hair cut!!!!
I work for a self-publishing company. It's my job to help author submit their materials for design. Sounds kinda cool....right? NO! I am an account manager with 447 accounts. This is more than twice what an individual is supposed to be able to handle. No, they aren't hiring new people. They are, however, moving my…
Hello, My name is Rachel and I just joined. So far I rather like it. I'm a woman approaching her 30's with hypothyroidism and a wedding on the way. So, after a thyroid storm in december shot me up 25 lbs in two months, a bout Vit. D deficiency, depression and racking up a bit more medical debt, I am feel a LOT better. I've…