MUSICIANS thread :)
Anyone play in a band ? Lets share our music here and help each other create a following. You can hear my band 'The Halstead Clan' on the link below. We are an acoustic folk type band from Bradford in the UK.
Approaching the end of insanity. what should I do ?
I finish Insanity in just over 2 weeks. I am either contemplating repeating the process OR purchasing asylum. my question is how long should I wait before I repeat or start new ? insanity has really hammered my joints. so to go straight back into it doesn't seem right.
Do I need to adjust my calorie intake for INSANITY
Im currently on my 10th day of insanity. There has been no noticeable weight loss (scales wise) however I do feel leaner and trimmer. Im 29 5ft 7" Male. I weight exactly 11 stone. Im consuming around 1300-1700 calories a day. and Im really giving my all in the workouts. Do I need to adjust anything or should I just trust…