it's 26th today so we have 5 more days to go (including today) and I think I will try to stick to not adding sugar and avoiding hidden sugars. I feel much better and I have more energy, my skin looks healthier, and I really don't miss added sugar. what about you?
yes, it's Friday. So i should be happy the working week is over but... Now i'm going to spend 2 days at home with my family. I love them but they do not share the same eating habits as me. Which means trouble as I will have to cook for them. and they eat chocolate, cookies, cakes etc. I'm not saying they are not supportive…
I forgot to take my salmon fillet in the morning so I had to grab something form the shop for the lunch today. OMG. I was already by the tills and you know just there all the mars and sneakers bars were just calling my name. My mouth watering. Grrr... I just wanted to scream. That should be banned, How can you resist the…
It's not going to be easy but I hope I can do it. Lots of changes to my diet required.