Severe Ankle Injury - gym work arounds
I have recently been sidelined in my workout goals. That is putting it mildly. I am basically bed/couch ridden. I dislocated my ankle and broke it in two places running in the Warrior Dash on the 19th of July, 2014. The following day, I had surgery on my ankle in which 9 screws and a plate were installed. The hardest part…
Seattle Warrior Dash - TOMORROW
Is anybody participating in the Bonny Lake Warrior Dash tomorrow? My husband and I are and are always looking for people who are interested in doing it as a group. All of our friends are pansies and won't attempt it!
2013 Seattle Tough Mudder
People--this race is this weekend. My nerves have TOTALLY set in and I am feeling very unprepared. One area weighing on me is that it is supposed to be cold and rainy. Any advice on what to wear to stay warm? I'll forgo my other areas of nerves and just stick to what I can control. :smile:
25 signs you are addicted to Crossfit - By MSN.com
Enjoy! http://now.msn.com/signs-youre-addicted-to-crossfit
Frustrated with results
Hey all--- I'm sure a similar thread has been posted before, but I am looking for more personalized responses: Today marks my 6 month anniversary of my first WOD. I LOVE Crossfit! I love the challenge the people, the coaches and the strength I am gaining. I am not leaving. With that said, I initially joined Crossfit to…
Tough Mudder - Seattle, Washington
Tough Mudder is coming to Seattle on October 5th and I am putting together a team. If you are interested, please message me and I will send you the link and team code. The more people we get on a team, the cheaper the cost and the more fun we will have!!! This will also help us stay focused through the summer months on…
End of 9 weeks of CF and now a Broken Rib
Well, I was doing dip lockouts on Thursday and missed my footing and came crashing down on the dip bar. Knocked the wind out of me. Was in some pain, stretched and moved on with my day. Went in on Friday morning, still in pain, thinking it was just a deep tissue bruise and knocked out 13.2 (modified at 55# and a 16" box).…
Does your Box push the ZONE?
Just curious...Not a whole lot more to the question! I asked my coach to help me make more progress. I was eating 80/20 Paleo/Primal and around 1850 calories (my TEDEE- 20%). He put me on the Zone/Paleo plan. I eat 13 blocks a day. Which comes out to about 1500 calories a day.
CF 5X a week or CF 3x a week with 2 cardio days??
Hey all, I am at a crossroad and need some advice. Today I started my 7th week of Crossfit. I have been going 3xs a week while doing cardio 2xs a week. Last week I started running and I want to get better at it as well. My ultimate goal is to look good naked. I don't care what the scale says. :wink: I have yet to see any…
The scale
Ok. So I am in my 2nd week of Crossfit and I LOVE it. I originally joined to lose weight and get fit/strong! While that is still my goal, I now what to compete in my Boxs' CF Open next January. With all of that in mind, I am not going to stop. I really LOVE it. I look forward to my alarm going off at 5:15am. However, I am…
How do you log Crossfit on MFP?
Just curious how others are doing it? I have a HRM and thought I'd just add it under Cardio with my HRM readings.
So today I completed Stage 1, week 3. I made my husband go with me and really teach me deadlifts as I have felt that I just wasn't doing it right. Well, I was doing them half-right. Upon learning to do them correctly, I had to drop my weight almost in half!!! So here is my question: should I focus this week on my form or…
Lifting with the boys
So this is more of a lesson in humility- I am doing the "New Rules of Lifting for Woman" and am just wrapping up Stage 1. The other day, I was at the gym, by myself and was in the midst of my squats. Now, I try to add weight almost everytime. There were two men who where doing clean presses next to me. No problem. So here…
"I Want to Look Like That guy!"
Has anybody seen this movie? My husband just found it and we are interested to learn where we can watch it without shelling out the $30 to purchase it. Here is a link to the site and another to the trailer...it looks AWESOME!!!!!! Website: www.iwanttolooklikethatguy.com Trailer:…