Ft. Lewis McChord (JBLM) and a sort of NSV
A while ago I posted my DH was coming home this month. Well, Army being what it is, he's not home yet, BUT he's got orders in hand and a ticket booked to FINALLY come back from overseas. We're headed out to JBLM and will be there, hopefully, before the 4th of July. Is anyone else out there? I would love to have some…
JBLM Jensen Gym
Hey everyone, I was wondering 1) if there's anyone that goes to the zumba/yoga 10a time slot class that would buddy up with me. I'm new to the area and know absolutely NO ONE. Husband is the AD guy and may be deploying later this month already. and 2) I heard from the rep lady I had to talk with as part of husband's…
Push through it or see a doctor? (running)
I used to be in the air force and during basic training, my legs felt like they were on fire every time I ran, to the point of going back to the barracks and taking a COLD shower to ease the pain when PT was over. Now, every time I run I get a sharp pain in both of my shins. I've been told that it's shin splints, but all…
He's coming home early!!
Just spoke with my husband on AIM and he said he's putting in the last few dates on a form that's going to get signed off so he can be home two months early! I'm so excited. May is much easier to handle than July! I need to start packing... (hooray for more calorie burn off from packing!)
Eating before bed
I heard that eating right before bed is bad because your body doesn't have the chance to burn off the calories. I never really looked into the truth of this, but I am wondering now because I came in under my calories by 517 today, and no I'm not hungry in the least. My concern though, is about my metabolism and whether or…