So tonight I have signed up for a 60 minute kickboxing class. This will be my first ever class. Can anyone tell me their experiences with it? Love it? Hate it? Is there any first-time advice you want to share? Anything would be great! I am looking to change up my routine from running and weight-lifting, though I still have…
I am just curious for everyone doing this program, are you following the time or the distance, or a combination of both? When I started, I was doing it by time. Somewhere (week 5 maybe?) I started going by distance. Now (just started week 7), I am going by the distance, to see how much time it takes me. I am just curious…
I had started this program awhile back, and made it to week 4 (halfway through) and then "life" (really EXCUSES) got in the way, so I stopped. I started it again in the middle of February, and then promptly signed up for a race in May, to sort of motivate me into keeping with it. So far so good, I am in the middle of week…