I need a recipe for Chicken Drummies. Any help??
Ive actually been a member for awhile now. A couple of years ago I did very well at losing the weight I wanted to lose and just being healthy over all. I eventually lost the motivation and have since struggled. I haven't gained all the weight I had originally lost back, but some has found its way back. Im coming back with…
Im looking into getting a pedometer to moniter my daily walks. Can anyone suggest one? Are they good investments? I have looked online at Target and they have a couple of options. Any thoughts. thanks!
Hello, my name is Carla and Im hoping to get skinny and healthy with this site. I have used Weight Watchers and lost some weight, but not all the weight I was hoping. With the economy in a downward slide, I needed to quit...so Im here. Any ways, I look forwarded to finding great recipes, great advice, and being able to…