I was just wondering if anybody knows how long it takes iron levels to increase once you start eating more of the right foods, and taking supplements? Recently I found out that my iron level was normal - but on the low end bordering below normal range. Thanks, Andrea
help please... I have a weight loss of 62 - 64lbs depending on fluctuation. This is over 9 1/2 months. Just took about 90% of wheat and sugar out of my diet and am routinely active. About ten days ago I decided to try going Paleo. Took out dairy, legumes and rest of occasional grains. Added in more veggies and nuts/seeds,…
Hello, I've been losing and have now reached my desired weight. 60lbs gone! I have "been there - done that " for over 30 years. I've lost 20lbs, 40lbs, 60lbs, and even 88lbs depending upon my starting weight. I have always lost in a safe manner - no crash diets etc... Then I reach (to me) the dreaded maintenance stage.…
Hi! My name is Andrea. I've spent most of my life losing and gaining weight. For at least 3 out of 4 decades I have been on this emotional treadmill. I could probably tell you exactly what my weight was at any given point in my life. My high and low points have gotten more out of hand since I've had kids. My husband and I…