Please no negativity or lectures this is strictly a question. I know all about both the negative and positive points of view and studies on water fasting in general. I struggle with self control and the ability to stick to my healthy choices. I am just wondering if anyone has done intermittent fasting? I am a female 5ft…
Hey myname is audrey and i am doing a water fast with the supervision of my doctor to boost weight loss and hopefully help clear up some medical issues and just detox all the crap ive put in my body for the last 28 yrs. If anyone out there is on the same journey id live to be buddies. If you havenegative comments please…
I have really been struggling with my weight loss. I work out like crazy and watch what i eat and drink crazy amounts of water and lose little to no weight. My doctor suggested taking a weight loss pill to help boost my metabolism but the one she prescribed isnt covered by my insurance and it costs like $200 dollars. I…
Okay so i have seen all this hooplah lately on line about Beyonce and the master cleanse. Sounds horrible so i am trying a little healthier approach but still extreme. the master cleanse makes you go for like 40+ days. Okay that just cant be healthy but it does offer one disgusting but fantastic home cleanse that has made…
Whew, I know that alot of you read what I am doing and shake your heads and that is fine but accountability and self disciplin are HUGH things that I need to work on. So I will continue on my quest and come saturday night when I have a babysitter for the first time in 2 months. My fiance and I will go out to karoke and I…