So, I'm currently in the last phase of planning and preparation for a cross-country move. Needless to say, I've got a lot going on right now and am under a lot of stress. Take that lack of time and stress and multiply it by all of my NYC friends wanting to meet up for drinks and/or dinner for one last time before my move…
Am I doing my side planks wrong? I don't feel like I'm engaging my core at all, and all they end up doing is hurting my wrists. Tips?
So, I've read up a little bit on this, but I wanted a community opinion. If you drink a lot of water (like, not water intoxication levels of a lot), let's say 12-15 glasses of water in a day, can you upset your mineral balance? Particularly sodium. I've been drinking A LOT of water the past few weeks, and I find myself to…