OK, so it's been a Free for All Saturday for some of us it seems, but tomorrow promises to be an AWESOME Sunday!! No April Fools joke here people..... Well not too sure about the Fools thing, but I'm hitt'n the trails (Mtn Biking at Oleta Park) around 11am to 12 noon tomorrow (Sunday, the 1st), then the beach…
So i've had this annoying flu and the symptoms that come with it for 2 weeks now. I've noticed that every time I've been getting better, after I workout, as great as I feel, I get worse later that day or in the evening. I know that working out supposedly brings your immune system down, but I had a trainer in the past that…
Well not too sure about the Fools thing, but I'm hitt'n the trails around 11am to 12 noon tomorrow (Sunday, the 1st), then the beach thereafter.... Who from the Tri-County area in South Florida is in!!!