Self Esteem
Why is it so easy for us to see the beauty in others, but not in ourselves? That's just something I've been pondering today.
What interests you?
I'm looking into the kind of thing you guys would be likely to read about, as I'm on the search for new blog content ^^ What topics in health and fitness interest you most? Do you wish there was a guide about something you want to know more about? Let me know what you think :)
Weigh-ins before and after gym?
I'm doing some research for my blog, and I read about people who weigh themselves before and after working out. I really want to know why, and I'm yet to find an answer! Any help is appreciated :)
Join me! - 30 Day Challenges
For my blog, I'm testing how effective the '30 Day Challenges' are... I'll be going the 30 Day Abs Challenge and the 30 Day Splits Challenge I'd love it if you got involved and did it with me! Today is Day 1! I'll be posting my 'before' photos here shortly!
My blog, your support, my response!
Hi all, I posted yesterday that I've started a blog, and the support from you guys has been really great! I've written my first post (A Fitbit Flex review) and have a couple of projects on the way. But I need your help! I want to know what you're interested in reading about! I've got a poll going and I want to know where…
Starting a Blog
I've always enjoyed writing, and talking, and I figured a blog would be able to do these things as well as share my own experiences with dieting and fitness. I've only set this up recently, and my first (and currently, only) post is a review of the fitbit flex; which I recently purchased and have been obsessively using for…