

  • In theory yes, but bubble butts are a lot of hard work. The theory with building muscle mass (which is essentially what you want to do) is to be lifting high weights, low reps. I'd recommend a leg press machine, squat with weights (whatever weights are easier for you). With unweighted squats you'll find you have to do a…
  • It's true, we all have bad days. But you should know that one bad day in an otherwise good week isn't going to ruin the hard work you've put in. When you weigh yourself daily it's really important to remember that your body naturally fluctuates in weight, and it isn't worth worrying if you find you're a couple of pounds…
    in Bad Days Comment by Abbie_T January 2015
  • Well to start, you seem to have a good attitude in that you haven't set a goal as such, which is good because it can become frustrating when you feel as though you have a long way to go. But try to not loose focus of that 13 Stone though - a lot of people stop dieting if they achieve their goal because they feel like…
    in New Comment by Abbie_T January 2015
  • I feel like I have a lot in common with you. I've lost a fair amount of weight in the past, and have always put it back on each time - I get happy, and complacent, or I achieve my goals and don't set new ones, so I just stop! For me, I have to remind myself about what I want more: Food, or to loose weight, become more…
  • You can do it! Just remember - try not to rush! Weight loss shouldn't be a quick thing, as it isn't sustainable in the long term! Good luck, keep pushing :D
  • Absolutely - lots of people can, have and do! Whenever you've got physical health issues and are looking to lose weight, it's always best to see a doctor beforehand - they can advise you on the best plan of action that will be specific to your health problems. I'd definitely recommend going and seeing an nutritionist who…
  • I know Shaun T's 'T25' workout series has a low impact modifier for people with bad joints/back issues etc (Tania does the workout with minimal jumping around to reduce stress on the joints). Also, cross trainers are good at reducing knee impact whilst you're moving on them, rowing machines (I'm assuming it is the…
  • Not sexist at all, unfortunately it is a fact that there are hormonal and biological differences between men and women that mean body differences, however I can't verify the science regarding the hormones.
  • In theory, if you eat right and lose weight you'll lose fat from all over your body. I would recommend also doing some ab toning exercises too if possible, which will help tighten your belly and make it look smaller and flatter :-)
    in Walking Comment by Abbie_T January 2015
  • Don't think about other people, if that is what you want then go for it. Who has the right to say what is and isn't attractive, I know plenty of people that love a girl with muscles. Stay true to yourself, who cares what others think - do what makes you happy!
  • Thanks, that's been really helpful!
  • Did day 1 - Feels easy right now... But I'm dreading day 30!
  • My before photos, Day 1. Showing how incredibly un-flexible I am!
  • One of us. One of us. Looking for MFP friends of anyone wants to add me :-)
  • Added. I'm on a friend rampage for the same reason.
  • Good luck achieving your goals ^_^
    in New Comment by Abbie_T January 2015
  • Try new things too! You'll find other lovely things that aren't bad. You can still love food and get fit/diet/eat well.
    in Help Comment by Abbie_T January 2015
  • Ooooh friend! Me too. Hi :-)
    in Friends Comment by Abbie_T January 2015
  • Insanity is great, but before you start be sure you can commit! I started it, did month 1 and saw great results, then I started working full time nursing shifts unpaid for uni (unsociable hours) and I just couldn't commit finding time between that, paid work and family to fit insanity in. It's a shame but I know I'll come…
  • I did the insanity workout for a while, and the Ab/Core workout was awesome. Not to long (about 15 minutes I think) but a great workout. You could probably find it on the Internet somewhere. Beats boring crunches.
  • Personally I'm of the opinion that people tend to get too fixated on such specific 'weght goals', when in reality the goal might be unrealistic for someone of their shape/size/build/muscle mass. This is just my perspective, I know it isn't the right thing for everyone but, if you're happy and able to go by how you look in…
  • I'd suggest identifying what specific foods are the main sources of the carbs, then reduce or replace them. Maybe substitute half of the portion with a low carb alternative? That cheat sheet above is good!
  • The variety of answers have been covered, but just remember sometimes it's better to lose weight slowly with a more gentle routine - that you won't get sick of after you've lost the weight. In the past I have lost weight in large amounts, and quickly - but I kinda got burnt out because I worked myself too hard. My body…
  • Hey, I have a bad habit of losing weight and putting it all back on... It's horrible. I know how you feel but it's sooooo easily done - especially at Christmas time!! But yeah, I'm looking for more MFP friends too ^_^
  • I don't expect a lot from it, personally. This is a bit of fun, and to see the kind of results you can expect when you're not in shape on day 1. Just a bit of fun (especially the splits one, I struggled to get on a motorbike the other day so really need to address my flexibility!)
  • I've just started a blog, would be awesome to have some feedback
  • He thought writing a blog was stupid
  • I recently got a fitbit flex, which I found has really motivated me..
  • Last night I had a dream that I was LARPing and instead of going back to sleep for a well deserved lie in, I've spent my time perusing the internet for the next addition to my costume...
  • I attended a nutrition Seminar, which really opened my eyes to what the hell I was putting in my body, especially regarding hidden sugars and vitamins (which is why I only drink water, as good as sports drinks seem there's nothing in there you don't get from a good supplement or clean eating, and Sugar free drinks usually…