Will be 66 in June and I need not only to lose lbs but need to get fitter .. dealing with hip and lower back pain so makes it hard to walk for more than 20-30 min. Need to get inspired
This is where I have problems sometime. During the day I'm busy at work - and don't think too much of food. But come evenings & weekends... well that's another story. It's worse if I decide I want a drink when I get home from work - then it's a lot harder to make good decisions
Is there someone who is a member? I've been waiting for an invite to join and have not rec'd it yet. It says a current member can invite someone. If you can - leave me a message here -and I'll give you my email address Thanks!!!
My name is Louise - and I'm starting over - this site looks straight forward and easy to use - now looking for weight loss buddies to share this journey with