There are lots of veggie women on here (brilliant) but how many of us are male veggies? Interested in friending people and being inspired by food diaries, exercise and managing the two with busy lives. I live in the UK, work often means travelling between meetings (rare to be in one office all day), try to get to the gym 6…
Anyone else using any other apps or is this ahead of the game? Could see Vampires Run, Werewolves Run etc emerging. Hope so!
Improvements in fitness and perceived changes to wellbeing reported, particularly for people who describe themselves as Mon-runners in this paper published in the Journal of Public Health last week. An evidence base for getting up for my 9am Parkrun every…
Hi there Runner 5! If you're a Runner 5 too, add me to your friends (say you're from here). And if you're veggie, even better (I bet those zoms aren't!). Over and out Runner 5
I've been on the healthy living, exercise (diet!) for about 3 weeks now. Had my first comment at work yesterday from someone who hadn't seen me for a couple of months - "you've list a lot if weight since I last saw you". It made my day to know that all my efforts are starting to make a noticeable difference. Anyone else…