Hi there, I’m hoping to connect with some ladies to keep me motivated... like everyone, I’m starting to feel the strain of so much being out of my control right now, so I’m hoping to channel that into positive changes in my life and health. Please reach out if you feel the same or want to chat about anything at all! :)
Looking for new friends and cheerleaders- I am a 49 year old mother of 2. I work full time in a very demanding job and I also run 3 small businesses. Anyone out there who understands my impossibly busy life? I’d love to connect with you!
Is anyone else out there loving this app? Tell me what playlists are best for brisk walking, etc. :)
Hi anyone and everyone, I'm Heather, I'm doing my best to eat well and get some regular exercise - I'm far, far too busy and need to make it a priority to take better care of myself... I'd love to chat with anyone who is feeling the same way!