Looking for other single mamas for support!
Hey all! I've got about 60lb to lose and I'd love friends for support. I have 2 sons, one home schooled 6 year old and one toddler with an autism spectrum disorder - so I have my hands full! Needing some people to keep me on track and for motivation. I can give lots of motivation too! I'm in the UK if that makes any…
UK twenty-somethings?
Hey guys, another one of those LAME 'I need friends' posts here! I'm a 25 year old lady looking for some motivation and support to assist me with losing about 40lbs. I've already lost about 20lbs in the past year, but I would really like some support from some friendly faces! I've got a great new job, a lovely new…
24/f from London UK looking for friends to lose with
Hey guys! My names Naomi and i'm looking to lose about 40lbs over the next year or so. No immediate rush, although i would like to get into a UK size 14 dress for my brothers wedding in April! I have a 13 month old son, and work part time for London Wildlife Trust at a nature reserve doing all sorts of stuff with kids -…