Looking for other single mamas for support!

nclarke1987 Posts: 9 Member
edited February 2017 in Introduce Yourself
Hey all! I've got about 60lb to lose and I'd love friends for support. I have 2 sons, one home schooled 6 year old and one toddler with an autism spectrum disorder - so I have my hands full!

Needing some people to keep me on track and for motivation. I can give lots of motivation too! I'm in the UK if that makes any difference.


  • Heather4448
    Heather4448 Posts: 908 Member
    I'm relatively new to MFP, as well as a single Mom. Add me; I could use some accountability!
  • ms_smartypants
    ms_smartypants Posts: 8,278 Member
    I am a single mom whom home schools my DD......You are welcome to add me ....wishing you the best :)
  • Whitney_Massey
    Whitney_Massey Posts: 23 Member
    Im a single mom too! feel free to add me!
  • LolaSophia25
    LolaSophia25 Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! Not single or home schooling but would love to make other mama friends.?
    I have three kids they're 4, 18 months and 4.5 months xx