A lovely lady I know told me that Amazon has a free paleo book today :) here's the link: http://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B008782474/ref=redir_mdp_mobile?SubscriptionId=1GVBN9WWNVXC5DBPE502&camp=213733&creative=399837&creativeASIN=B008782474&linkCode=shr&redirect=true&ref_=as_li_ss_sm_fb_us_asin_tl&tag=tharcula-20 This is a…
I thought you all would enjoy this so I thought I would share :tongue: If you have the time read the comments too........ some people... grrrrr lol http://experiencelife.com/article/paleo-vs-vegan/
So all you lovelies out there... I love Paleo!! Its day one of my 4th week today and I have lost 25 lbs from it. I'm very happy, and I feel GREAT! However, I have a couple of people commenting about my calorie intake. I don't want to make it private because I have nothing to hide. I mostly stay on here for the support of…
What do you guys think? Is it still a no-no because it's a legume? I was reading about it online and all the nutritional info and it is basically peanuts, sugar, and salt (which I know are not ok) , but I just had to ask because the way it is made takes out all of the fatty oils. After the rants are roasted they are…
... so many more to go :) I just started this diet last Friday (4/20) and so far I have lost 9 lbs. I am in love/ borderline obsessed with the Paleo diet. It seems to be working great for me. How many lbs/kgs have people lost on this? I'm looking for some insight into peoples success story's, especially those who don't…