cardio-how many times a week?
How much cardio should I be doing a week? The only cardio I can really fit in is riding my bike, and if I do it too often I just kind of loathe it. I can't afford a gym membership, and 'don't have the space' for any kind of running or workout machine in the home, or so my mother tells me. I like strength training because I…
Protein and Vegetarianism
Is there anyone else here who is a vegetarian and struggles to find good foods with protein, or can give suggestions non meat products to eat with protein? I read here that sufficiant protein is essential to weight loss and muscle gain, but what way can I incorprate it into my diet if I don't eat meat or fish?
Deciding how much weight I need to loose?
I honestly don't know what I should be aiming for in weight loss. I am in the healthy range of weight for my hight and age, but still feel I need to loose the extra pudge around my stomach, and I don't know how much that is. Because I've never realy been my ideal weight before I don't have anything to compare myself with.…
keeping track
Hey everyone! I recently discovered this site, and it is a great way to keep track of the food I eat. I'm generally healthy and pretty fit but I was just looking for somewhere that could help me monitor my calorie intake, and remind me to stick to eating healthy. I'll probably be posting a bit around the forums so I…