Endomondo- show pace on map?
I've been using the app Endomondo for quite a while to track the distance on my runs and walks. I recently went for my first run this year (yay for the snow *finally* melting!) and I think that the map portion of the app changed in a recent upgrade. I used to be able to see my pace at any given point along my route, but I…
Manual treadmill for running?
I'm interested in getting a small/inexpensive treadmill. The weather is starting to get cold here and the only gym in driving distance has limited hours, so... if I want to keep running this winter I think it's going to have to happen at home. My house is very small, so I need something that is foldable and since I also…
Exercising on lunch break- no shower
I recently started a new job at an awesome company that offers lots of health, wellness and exercises classes for employees (for FREE!!!) a couple days a week there is a class called 'strength and tone' that I'd like to start going to. Apparently its a combo of cardio and weight exercises and lasts about 30 minutes. The…
Training for Half Marathon w/ minor injury
I'm hoping to do my first half marathon on July 8th. As a little background on me, I finished the C25k in mid-March and spent the next month logging about 12-15 hours a week. I'm not planning/hoping to be competitive at the half at all, I just want to survive it and hopefully have a good experience. I was planning to…
Running in the morning vs. evening
I started running this winter with the Couch to 5k program and finished it about a month and a half ago. Since then I've been doing 3 runs a week between 3-4 miles at a time. So far, I've been running in the evening on the track at the gym. I've done a couple 5k races that have gone fairly well, usually I finish between…
First 5k- A Few Logistics Questions
I just finished the Couch to 5k program tonight (yay!) and am signed up for my first 5k race next weekend. I've already sent in my sign up sheet for it. The info for the race says registration is at 8 and the race starts at 9. What time do I need to be there? I'm going by myself and don't know anyone else running in it, so…