Yeeepp. My left is noticeably bigger than the right. Never realised until I actually started lifting; now that my muscles are bigger in general it's quite obvious. I think the uneven-ness is due to my job - I've worked in hospitality for the last five years and carry around heavy trays on my left arm all day. That's my…
So I've been at my job for over four years and the time has come for me to move on, halle-f'in-lujah. As one of the longest-serving members of staff I guess I'm obligated to get my boss some sort of farewell gift. Any ideas? I'll be getting her some flowers, a nice bottle of wine, heartfelt card etc. but I (grudgingly)…
Hi everyone! I'm relatively new to lifting, only been doing it for the last 3-4 months. I also have an issue with my hands - really rough, dry and cracked skin from years of working in hospitality. Lately as I've been lifting heavier the rubbing on my hands from the barbell is really aggravating the problem. I was…
Hi! I'm Libby from Australia, 21yrs old. I've been using MFP for a while now on and off, but have recently decided to change my lifestyle for the better, eating healthier, losing weight, and toning up along the way. I'd love to have some motivation to help keep me on track, and I'm happy to do the same for others! I try as…