3laine's bulk/cut results and countdown to bulk 2 :)
Hi guys. I never got round to setting up a journal on here so I though I'd post my measurement results and keep better track when the time comes to do it all again. As of today, I'm back at 148 lb which was my bulk 'start weight'. I got to 157 before calling it a day and starting my (what feels like everlasting) cut. Inch…
Customising macros
This may be a really stupid question but has the procedure for changing your macro percentages changed? I've did this a few times in the past but this time, every time I click on, 'change goals' it reverts back to MFP settings with the message, 'exercise goals is not a number' in red. Thanks in advance.
Silly nurse/obese BMI
Not sure which categories I should have put this in but wondered if anyone else saw this yesterday, http://metro.co.uk/2014/03/26/a-picture-of-obesity-nhs-tells-bodybuilder-she-must-lose-weight-and-exercise-more-4679903/ Unfortunately, a lot of people on here have been given ridiculous advice from doctors/nurses. If they…
Do I need a week off?
So, I've been strength training for a little under a year now (still consider myself a beginner). I started off with starting strength then moved on to wendlers 5/3/1. Much as I enjoy wendlers, I get very frustrated that I keep stalling out on my squat (stalled around the 60kg mark on both programmes). I noticed another…
Weigh belt - advice please.
So, I just recently got a belt for squats and deadlifts, mainly as my dad was haranguing me about my back (Im not an elderly daddy's girl btw I just train in his garage) but I was also a bit paranoid about injuring myself as the weights progressed. However, I'm actually finding it harder while using it - I've been quite…
Reheating turkey
Just wondered if I can reheat turkey mince 3 x? I know you can't with chicken. Have cooked it once to make bolognaise then reheated tonight to make chilli (but made a tad too much) so just wondering if it's okay to keep and heat again as it's too spicy for the dog. Thanks
Can you recommend how much to deload, pls?
So I am currently doing SS/SL 5x5 and have failed to hit my squat reps the last three sessions. I'm lazy and can't be bothered to read back through the bumf so could anyone tell me the recommended deload - 10%, 20%? Also, I'm trying to get as much strength build as possible at deficit. This is my first stall on squats -…
Do I need this? I am pretty new to lifting - doing my own wee mix of NROLFW, stronglifts & starting strength. I try to get everything I need from food (not this week haha) but have omega 3 suppliments and a casein shake for recovery at bedtime. Just wondering if its worth taking a creatine suppliment - I'm not one for…