Not sure if putting this in the right spot or not, but here goes anyway: Let me start off by saying that it's been 9 months since my heart attack and my cardiologist has cleared me to exercise with no restrictions a few months ago. Prior to it, I was in what I would call "ok" shape, above average fitness level (being in…
On average, are the "adjustable" dumbbells durable enough for day to day use, or are they more of a take it with you when travelling type deal? this type of thing i mean.
Ok, I got a question that's prolly been asked a hundred times before, but here goes anyway.... I've read several threads on here before on using the calories burned readout from various cardio machines (treadmill, bikes, ellipticals, etc) assuming you put in your weight/age instead of the MFP calories where you put in the…
Why am I here? That's what I'm asking myself right now. I've never really been concerned about my weight, but.... I'm in the military, and sure, I've always been a bit over the weight standards, but whenever I knew we were gonna have a weight-in, I'd do a crash diet for a couple weeks before hand to be in regulation.…