Im 2 weeks in to using myfitnesspal and was wondering what diet plans everyones following and how sucessful you are finding them. i am currently just counting calories and doing exercise 4x a week. thanks Created by - Free Calorie Counter
I'm feeling very proud of my first half a stone loss as in the past I've never made it to 7lbs. I went to weight watchers for a year and gained a stone as every other week I'd gain bk a pound more than I lost, so to have lost weight two weeks in a row and reached half a stone is a big thing for me. Good luck to everyone…
im loving straberry pencils (tescos) 25 cals each :) also loving peach loops by sugarland 67 cals for 2. i need a little sugar fix to keep me on track each day, anyone else have any naughty nibbles in their diet.