I'm getting a new computer this month so I'm re-doing my gym playlist, naturally. Please give me one song that gives you that extra boost at the gym and I'll add it to my playlist. I'm cheating, I have two songs. Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga and Get Naked by Britney Spears. I don't really like these songs outside of…
I bought these pants in January and at the time they fit pretty good. I started the year at 130 and the last time I weighed in I was 120.9. This is the first time I've ever seen any significant weight loss in my life (I am 25) so I'm pretty excited! Sharing because I feel proud and because maybe this will find someone that…
Good morning everyone, I've recently got back on the healthy train from the holidays (Halloween - New Year's Day). During those times I binged and did absolutely no exercise. I didn't gain a ton of weight, about 6 lbs, but I felt miserable and my pants were a very gross tight fit. It was't pretty. Boo. Eating healthy isn't…