Geekway to the West 2015
Hey everyone, Just dropping a note that if you play board games and are near St. Louis, you should check out Geekway to the West. It's 4 days devoted to just tabletop board games! geekwaytothewest.com Hope to see you there!
Anyone still here?
Just curious... :)
13 Weeks on Medifast!
I just finished week 13 and am 60 pounds down! http://weightlossachievementunlocked.blogspot.com/2014/04/three-months-complete-60-pounds-down.html Thanks to everyone here for all the support! 32 pounds to go before I revisit and finalize my goals!
5 weeks and 33 pounds down!
I just finished week 5 and things are still going strong. I've posted a daily blog for the last 5 weeks as well, and would love for people to check it out! http://weightlossachievementunlocked.blogspot.com/ Thanks!
Started Medifast 2 weeks ago...
I started Medifast on January 16, and have been meticulously tracking, as well as posting a daily blog (here on my profile). I plan to weigh and blog daily, with updates on what I think about living with Medifast. If you're interested, feel free to follow my blog or friend me, and keep me honest by poking if I don't log in…