Hi, just thought I bring my questions up here. I am in weight loss mode, and I have added some brisk walks to my workouts. I enjoy walking, and right now I need some form of excercise. The problem is that even after stretching before I start, my calves start to hurt, tense up very quickly and is pretty painful, to the…
I used to do Pilates, years ago. Now, 2 kids and 50 lbs later I can't even do 1 sit up. How do I start getting my core strength back? Any recommendation on where to start? Thanks:)
Hi Everyone, I am new, I am on day 5 of my "new life". I am a mom of 2 small kiddos, busy with life and did not take care of myself. Gained 55 lbs since my wedding, 8 years ago. I have tried dieting, but never succeeded. I am struggling with figuring out an approriate calorie intake and the macros are totally new to me. I…