ok i'm just home from the northwest show...my first. i only entered into one class, height. my trainer really wanted me to enter into my age class also, but she was thinking that there would be fewer competitors and bless her heart she wanted me to get a trophy! LOl i told her i'd rather be last in a big class than first…
From Xfinity News Service: What’s Hiding Under the McRib Sauce? by Audrey Morrison It’s obvious that actual ribs aren’t sandwiched between the bun of a McRib. So what is? Well, apparently a lot of heart and sole goes into making the limited edition offering from McDonald’s. Literally. Several people have dug up the actual…
I never really ate fast food too much, but I would grab a quick snack wrap or small hamburger at McD's if I just HAD to get something on the road. However, I tried to watch "Supersize Me" recently and about 20 minutes into it, when Morgan Spurlock is on his 3rd day, I just couldn't watch it anymore. I felt so sick. Ugh!…